Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving dinner: A perfect meal for teeth with braces!

The Bales Orthodontic team have been busy the last couple of weeks perfecting beautiful smiles.  A common question during this time of year is:  "Will my teeth be too sore to eat Thanksgiving dinner?"

Absolutely Not!  In fact, the food you eat during Thanksgiving time is perfect for teeth with braces.  We encourage our patients with braces to eat soft foods.  Turkey, mashed potatoes and stuffing is just the recipe for those tender teeth. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How do Rubber Bands Work with Braces?

Why do I need rubberbands to fix my teeth?

Rubberbands or Elastics are commonly used in combination with Braces or Invisalign to help your Orthodontist achieve the perfect bite.  Elastics provide an additional force needed to move your teeth in the right direction. Rubberbands are typically worn for several months and are to be used in an orientation specific to each patient.  They attach from one bracket to the next and will sometimes cause tenderness to the teeth at first.  There are different types of elastics with many sizes.  Our packages are labelled according to size and strength.  We have names for our elastics:  Bummer, Fred, Gloria, Roger and Cathy.   
It's important to remember to change the elastics each time you eat.  The elastics can be removed for eating and brushing and flossing.  Consistency is key...so wear them as instructed and you will be on your way to a beautiful smile in no time!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign can be the "Clear" choice for you! 

Some people have a hard time believing that clear plastic trays can move your teeth like traditional braces. 
The science behind tooth movement is a consistent light pressure to cause changes in the periodontal ligament.  These small changes in the ligament will allow the crown and root of the tooth to move into a new position.  With Invisalign, each plastic clear tray moves your teeth a small amount just like braces and wires. 

Here at Bales Orthodontics, we utilize technologically advanced treatments to get the best results possible. This means that our patients now have more options when it comes to achieving the smile they have always wanted.

Invisalign aligners are removable, which will allow you the freedom to remove them when you eat, clean your teeth, or for a special occassion. 

Each aligner is worn for 2 weeks and it is imperative that you wear them for 22 hours a day in order for  the teeth to move properly.  As a patient, you will receive 3-4 sets of aligners and visit our office every 6-8 weeks until your treatment is finished.  The aligners are very comfortable and your end result is the same as if you had traditional braces! 

The Dr Tom and Dr Katie Bales are Elite Providers for Invisaign, which means they are the top local provider in Marin and Sonoma County.   

Friday, August 12, 2011

Why are they called Wisdom teeth???

Am I smarter if I have them???

Third molars have been referred to as “teeth of wisdom” since the Seventeenth Century and simply “wisdom teeth” since the Nineteenth Century. The third molars generally appear much later than other teeth, usually between the ages of 17 and 25 when a person reaches adulthood. It is generally thought among linguists that they are called wisdom teeth because they appear so late, at an age when a person matures into adulthood and is “wiser” than when other teeth have erupted.
Lately, science has added some credence to the idea that the third molar does indeed erupt when a person is “wiser”. Recent research has shown the brain continues to grow and develop right on through adolescence: in fact, most researchers believe the brain does not reach full maturity until the age of 25. Perhaps, then, our ancestors weren't so far off the mark — that the eruption of “wisdom teeth” is a sign that the carefree days of childhood have given way to the responsibilities of adulthood

Friday, July 29, 2011

Why do I have to wear elastics??

Almost everyone has to wear elastics (or sometimes commonly called rubberbands) at one point or another during orthodontic treatment. After your teeth are straightened, we ask you to wear elastics to correct your bite.  They are something you will be responsible for taking in and out.  There are many different sizes of elastics depending on your situation. If you are asked to wear elastics, you will be responsible to wear them just about 24 hours a day.  You will only take them out when you eat, otherwise you should wear them all day and night.  Elastics are usually the last step of your orthodontic treatment and if you wear them well, your treatment will take less time.  The first few days of wearing them, you will notice your teeth getting a little achy but that will subside after a couple days.  Wearing them diligently is very important because if you only wear them part time, they do not work properly. It is very important to wear them just as the doctor tells you to, otherwise, if you wear them wrong or backwards, you may do the opposite of what the goal is!  So when asked to wear them...wear them well and soon you will be wearing retainers instead!! : )

Monday, July 18, 2011

What should you do with a poking wire with braces?

Ouch...my wire is poking what should I do??

Sometimes when teeth shift or spaces are closing, a wire may start poking out in the back by your molar or elsewhere. If a wire starts protruding do not be alarmed...these things happen.  If it happens during the weekend while the office is closed, here are some helpful tips:
A pencil eraser is a great tool to push in a pokey wire or you may use a nail clipper to clip it off if necessary.

We can always repair any wires you may have needed to cut.  Of course wax can always cover the poker until you can make it into our office.  

Here at Bales Orthodontics, we always provide emergency contacts after hours  and we will happily meet you at the office to fix the problem. Always remember to bring some wax with you when going out of town or on vacation so you have it available.  If you forget, several drug stores do sell wax if needed.
If a bracket becomes loose, you may not even notice, however if you notice one moving around, please call our office so we can make extra time to rebond it so your treatment time will not be extended. :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Why do I need to wear retainers and for how long?

Retainers are worn after the braces come off to "retain" your straight teeth.  Without them, your teeth can drift back into their original position.  When your braces come off, the peridontal ligaments are stretched a bit and after wearing the retainers for a year, they go back to their original state.  That's why its so important to wear your retainers 24/7 for about a year.  After that, you can just wear them at night.  Nowadays, we tell our patients to wear their retainers indefinitely.  Relapse (teeth shifting back) can even happen in your 40's and 50's!  After a few years of consistantly wearing your retainer, try it in at least once a week.  If it feels tight, chances are your teeth are trying to shift and a good sign that you need to wear it more often.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Food For Orthodontic Thought: What should you avoid eating with Braces?

"Nothing hard...Nothing sticky....No big mouthfuls....So be picky"

We at Bales Orthodontics want to ensure your orthodontic treatment is as easy as possible.  A common question from our patients is:  What can you eat?

Let's talk about what you shouldn't eat. For the first day or so, stick to soft foods. Avoid tough meats, hard breads, and raw vegetables.  For most situations, common sense will tell you what to avoid. Hard foods, sticky foods and foods high in sugar must be avoided. Hard foods can break or damage wires and brackets. Sticky foods can get caught between brackets and wires. Minimize sugary foods; they cause tooth decay and related problems. Nail biting, pencil and pen chewing and chewing on foreign objects should be avoided.

Examples of Sticky Foods to Avoid:

  • Gum (sugar-free or regular)
  • Licorice
  • Sugar Daddies
  • Toffee
  • Tootsie Rolls
  • Caramels
  • Starburst

Examples of Hard Foods to Avoid:

  • Ice
  • Nuts
  • Hard taco shells
  • French bread crust/rolls
  • Corn on the cob
  • Apples and carrots (unless cut into small pieces)
  • Bagels
  • Chips
  • Jolly Ranchers
  • Pizza crust
  • Uncooked carrots (unless cut)

Minimize Sugary Foods like:

  • Cake
  • Ice Cream
  • Cookies
  • Pie
  • Candy

Only Once a Day:

  • Soda
  • Sweetened tea
  • Gatorade
  • Kool-Aid
  • Drinks with sugar
It's important to regularly check your braces for bent or loose wires and brackets. In the event of a loose/broken wire or bracket, call our office immediately to arrange an appointment for repair.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How to floss with Braces

For areas between the teeth that a toothbrush can’t reach, use dental floss to remove food particles and plaque. Flossing takes more time and patience when you are wearing braces, but it is important to floss your teeth every day.

Use the reusable floss threader provided by Bales Orthodontics to floss under your archwire daily. Pull a small length of floss from the dispenser through the threader and slide it up and down along the front of each tooth. You will be able to feel when the tooth is clean and hear the squeak of the floss against your clean teeth. Use care around your archwire and do not floss too forcefully around it or put too much pressure on it. After you floss between your archwire and braces, floss between your other teeth and gums.

If you are flossing without the floss threader, pull a small length of floss from the dispenser. Wrap the ends of the floss tightly around your middle fingers. Guide the floss between all teeth to the gum line, pulling out food particles or plaque. Unwrap clean floss from around your fingers as you go, so that you have used the floss from beginning to end when you finish. Floss behind all of your back teeth.

Floss at night to make sure your teeth are clean before you go to bed. When you first begin flossing around your braces, your gums may bleed a little. If the bleeding does not go away after the first few times, inform a staff member at your next appointment.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Brush Away

The most important part of Orthodontic treatment is keeping those pearly whites clean!  Brushing and flossing your teeth and gums during Orthodontic treatment will help your teeth move more efficiently.  It is important to brush and floss more frequently when you have braces...we provide a travel toothbrush for after meals and snacks.  If your gums are swollen or bleeding, it means that you are not brushing and flossing enough.  The braces themselves do not irritatte your gums, but the food and plaque left on your teeth do.

The proper brushing technique is important to learn with or without braces.  Use a soft toothbrush and start brushing on the upper right.  Brush above and below the braces using a small circular mottion.  Slowly work your brush toward the front teeth and over to the left side.  Then brush the insides and biting surfaces.  Repeat with the lower arch.  Take your time....brushing should take at least 2-3 minutes when done properly. 

At Bales Orthodontics healthy teeth and gums are rewarded with Wooden Nickels.  Wooden nickels can be cashed in at any time for prizes and gift certificates!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The TROOTH of the Matter: "Will Putting on my Braces Hurt?"

Lip Retractors used to place braces.
 "My friends told me that Braces are going to hurt!"  We hear this often when talking to our younger patients about expectations for Orthodontic treatment.  The Trooth of the Matter is your first visit with us will be easier than your friends lead you to believe.  We start off by cleaning your teeth with Prophy paste.  We then place special lip retractors to hold the cheeks away from the teeth to keep them dry and to place the braces (See photo).  We remove the retractors, add small flexible arch wires and colors...and wallah:  You have braces!!   There are many different types of braces and it's important for you to know that the brace, or bracket, acts as a handle for us to hold the tooth next to the Orthodontic arch wire.  It is the arch wire and your Orthodontist that does all of the work!
So now you know the appointment to put braces on is painless!  The initial flexible arch wire has a special memory that will add gentle forces to your teeth during the next several weeks....so it is normal for your teeth to become sore later at home.  Stick to softer foods during this time and take Advil or Tylenol if needed.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Get Wired With Bales Orthodontics

Welcome to Straight Talk:  An Educational Blog on Orthodontic treatment.   

We at Bales Orthodontics want to share our knowledge with you.  We will help answer common questions we receive everyday in our office plus offer useful information on Orthodontic treatment.  Please "Like us" to receive future posts.  Thank you for stopping by!